Tonight's episode will be a turning point in the story. TS finally gave up on MD. He take off the ring, throws it and when the family had dinner, he let go of MD. Outside, MD gave back the engagement ring but TS as he walks away suddenly turns and kissed her hard. They exchanged words [will still wait for the sub] and finally, both have tears on their faces as TS walks away. But, TS continues to hurt and hallucinates ... hearing MD voice. He is having a hard time letting go and moving on. The shocking part, CH did a very unforgivable act. [as far as my values is concerned}] However someone wronged you or a friend or a brother, I don't think it will be acceptable to make revenge on the person, least murder him/her. Yes! That is definitely murder for he planned everything. Intentional. But in the end it became frustrated because MD was brought to hospital and was critically being looked by doctors. CH run her down with the car he rented perhaps. Maybe man