[mslee's thoughts] You're All Surrounded Final Thoughts - A Very late Reaction and Review

I promised myself that I will post my final thoughts about this drama, You're All Surrounded even if it is already too late. Finally. the secret is out. The root of all evil deeds has been found out. A man with lots of ambition, a man who was once a part of the police force, a man who once has the integrity of a Chief of Police has now turned into someone who would do anything to achieve his goal. Assemblyman Yoo Moon Bae has done an evil plot to the extent of lying to his daughter just to get her trust and financial assistance which he badly needed. In order to achieve these things, he made her believe that her husband had a child with another woman, the nurse who was murdered years ago. With her hot temper and possessiveness turned jealousy, Yoo Ae Yoon went to Dae Gu's home 11 years ago and acted on her jealousy and temper, struck the nurse at the back of her head. A crime always is not perfect even if there was no witness. She unfortunately dropped her one of a ki...