Update below.... :)) Just some thoughts on what I perceived after watching episode 12... mslee1107 will update these thoughts later and will make short recaps on episodes 11 and 12, but for now these are my initial thoughts... What I wrote in my Facebook page https://web.facebook.com/mslee1107. after watching this week's episodes of Cheese in the Trap, I have this feeling that there is still some scenes not yet unfolded. It may look like that In Ho was the better man between them but perhaps just like everyone else who had been in Jung's life, he had concluded to his own convenience what truly happened to his favor and against Jung which the drama had shown. Jung had always had a hard time communicating and I think it is EASIER for him to just say yes, he did it, rather than to ELABORATE exactly what happened. Circumstantially, he was there but the real question was did he manipulate the incident to inflict danger on In Ho? The sequence of the flashbacks were no...