
Showing posts from February 18, 2018

Just Between Lovers ā€“ Final Thoughts

Almost every scene in the drama are worth watching. Final episode brought so much tears and heartwrenching moments that depict real lifeā€™s scenarios when one is facing death and of someone coming to terms of possibly being left behind. Separation is always painful. Being sick is worrisome and the thought of dying really frightens and weakens even the most strong person. It is the reality that no one wants to face..ever. One scene that really stood out showing our otp moment was this scene from the hospital with Moon Soo finally breaking down in front of Gang Doo. She had finally faced that scary reality that she told him not to die. She cried while telling him. I teared up seeing Gang Doo hugged her tight as he also cried silently for this woman he loves. Who wants to leave a loved one permanently anyway? The thought of leaving also scares him and hurts him. After writer and PDnim trolled us viewersā€¦ Yes they did! They made us anxious on our seats for almost the entire epis...

Drama Pick ā€“ Welcome to Waikikiā€¦ If You Want to LaughšŸ˜‚

Welcome to Waikiki ā€“ a kdrama /sitcom that is enough to make stress go away. I know the drama is silly and full of slapsticks as if some scenes were taken from Mr. Bean and The 3 Stooges. The foolishness of the characters are pretty much absurd but still it causes me to grin and laugh. Well, a good laugh is always good for our health. The toddler is an added nice touch for the sitcom. The cute smiles of the kid is always a welcome scene in each frame. While adults are bickering or doing crazy antics the camera zooming in onto the childā€™s face which has awesome expressions is  good. She melts the viewersā€™ hearts. I am rooting for the otp   Dong Gu Yoon A. And of course Lee Jun Ki (one of the character) played by Lee Yi Kyung is enough to make me go crazy with his endless misfortunes and antics. He and comedic scenes are like soulmates. He is just fun to watch. This is one show one should not really critic for storyline. This is made to make people relax and watc...

Money Flower ā€“ Final Thoughts

I may be alone in my opinion that the last 2 episodes of this drama left me dissatisfied. But I need to give praise towards the actors in the drama because they really did a good job playing their own roles. Jang Hyuk as Kang Pil Joo is awesome. He protrayed it well no doubt about it. As for the other characters they are also well acted. Overall the story has great ensemble. But the revenge theme ended lame for me in my opinion. I realized that his pursuit of justice for what happened to his brother and mother is not what I expected. I mean he could have ruined the woman who murdered his brother in a different way. Well to justify the effort the story made him go after the wealth/shares of the company. I mean even if the CEO (harabojie) and his uncle and cousin are all corrupt they had nothing to do with the murder of his brother. But hearsay tells harabojie killed his father but no confirmation. I donā€™t know. Pil Joo is not innocent and guilty free but also a schemer like his f...

Drama Pick ā€“ MISTY

I am watching this drama because my curiousity was piqued with articles saying the drama has got high ratings. Reading the synopsis of the drama I gave it a try. My first comment about it I posted thru my facebook fanpage.  Who is watching MISTY? Who killed Kevin Lee? The dramaā€™s plot reminds me of an old Harrison Ford movie Presumed Innocent and a bit of Unfaithful, Diane Laneā€™s and Richard Gereā€™s. I have a hunch that it was Ji Jin Heeā€™s character ( husband and lawyer) who might have killed Kevin Lee. Anywayā€¦ The drama is interesting and the casts are great. A follower who always take time to post her comments in my page commented on my post. She said.. Dori (letā€™s not reveal her surname ) could be right with your hunch but i donā€™t think asian viewers will buy that idea, therefore the writer will have to count that consideration too .. Reading her comment made me thinkā€¦ Hmmm..really? So I made a reply to her to elaborate my thoughts more on the plot....