[mslee's thoughts] Final GIF - Scholar Who Walks The Night Episode 20

After a week, I got time to post some highlights of the finale episode of the drama. The ultimate end for Gwi is to die inside the underground palace. This is the only resort they can think of and Sung Yeol is ready to die with him. He had to lure him inside until the explosives were placed and lighted outside. It's a risk and Sung Yeol is not backing off. Before it happened, Gwi was in a killing spree inside the palace. No one was spared from his thirst. But I think it was because he does not care anymore and only wanted to show his power and strength to instill fear. People outside the palace already found out about him. He is the vampire that rules and sits on the throne. Soldiers are out looking for Yang Sun. While the King is asked to stay and not risk being taken also. Even after his daughter died, this minister continues to be an irritating character. Scholars are venting their frustrations outside th...