[mslee's thoughts] Healer Episode 18 Screen caps Review

A lot happened in this episode. I thought Jung Hoo had with him the recorded testimony of his father which he got from the place where his father's ashes were, but it was all orchestrated after all. It was already in the hands of the Kang Dae Yong, the errand girl who always backs up Healer. The plan succeeded in making the goons believed that Jung Hoo had it. They chase him and when caught he asked to be brought to the Elder. The plan coincide with Moon Ho's online broadcast that day at the office. He was feeding news about the story of Jung Hoo's father and his friend Oh Gil Han in 1992. The tape recorded testimony was also played while Jung Hoo captured photos of the elusive Elder. Jung Hoo was not scared one bit of this calculating haraboji [grandfather] who calls himself farmers that reaps society of things that make him and the rest of his accomplice stay in power. Jung Hoo told the Elder that it is time to remember someone else's son or daughte...