[mslee's thoughts] Sensory Couple Episode 4 Screen caps and GIF Review

Highlights Yeom Mi almost recognized Cho Rim as Eun Seol but maybe looking at her old photo in the computer did not really strike the same resemblance with Cho Rim drunk and older. She asked Moo Gak his friend's name and was given Oh Cho Rim, not Choi Eun Seol. Yeom Mi did not pursue anymore and left them. Cho Rim was too drunk to do anything but sleep on the couch. But of course some funny and cute scene were added to make Cho Rim adorable as a drunk. She suddenly stood up when Moo Gak came back from getting a drink, maybe to make her sober up but she walked passed him and circled the office while Moo Gak sat on the couch, letting her walk in a trance. She found herself on the same couch then fell asleep on his thighs, to his surprise. Next morning, four detectives were huddled close as they inspect her still sleeping on the office couch. She awaken with their faces crowding her and she let out a squeal of surprise. She ask...