[mslee's thoughts] It's Okay It's Love Episode 11 Screen caps Review

Some highlights on this episode... Episode 11 They had a little argument about not revealing to the people he worked with the status of their relationship, which of course made Hae Soo question his sincerity towards her. But even before the radio talk ended, they reconciled their differences discreetly. His manager Tae Yong got his proof that Kang Woo did not exist when he dropped by at Jae Yeol's place and asked him to call the boy. Even if the phone was saying that the number did not exist, Jae Yeol kept on talking to Kang Woo and then gave him the phone to speak to him after. Tae Yong had mixed emotions but tried to control them. He told Dong Min to ask for help. Jae Yeol moved out of the house completely and Hae Soo cried [teared] inside his car while she showed him what she wanted to say like goodbye. In this episode, Jang Yeol also carelessly asked "Let's get married", which she took as a joke but found out that though it sounded li...