[mslee's thoughts] Screen caps Episode 10 Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

Bok Joo is still suffering from her one sided love. Finally her secret was revealed and the doctor not only knew about it but he witnessed her during a competition which was a surprise to her. Seeing him walking inside the venue when her turn was called brought mixed feelings to her. But more than anything it was painfully embarrassing for her to let him see the not so beautiful side of her in terms of physical attributes when she is a weightlifter and not simply the student Kim Bok Joo. Well, everyone is vain when it comes to love and of course everyone wants to put his/her best in front of the one they like. For Bok Joo, she is not ready to make the doctor see her as a weightlifter, after all she is just a girl in her first crush/love. Joon Hyung saw her discomfort and her crying in a corner away from her team mates. He let out about her crush onto his hyung. Some kind of protecting her dignity but then he also blurted out how his hyung has been clueless of other's feelings ...