[mslee's thoughts] Angel Eyes Episode 13 - Best Moments of Dong Joo and Soo Wan + Video of Kiss Scene and GIF

The episode treats the viewers to a lot of moments between Dong Joo and Soo Wan. Though there are still problems that bothered Dong Joo, there are moments that made the relationship develop. The level of skinship is becoming comfortable. The hugs and the passionate kiss are sweet. Sorry I just captured one frame of that deep kiss. My hands was so eager to capture in a hurry I think they tangled, missing some good angles. [lol] Anyhow... Still worth it. And then there was the morning after...or the perception that something happened between them. Oh, lovely. Soo Wan was so happy when she gave Dong Joo her version of back hug. These moments should be treasured because I fear we will all feel the devastation of what the secret past will reveal and do to our OTP. Dong Joo may be trying to move on but Soo Wan will have a hard time. So before we go to a heartbreak, [hopefully not] PDnim and writernim have been very extravagant with scenes like these. And we are apprecia...