[mslee's thoughts] Six Flying Dragons - Lee Bang Won

I was on hiatus for over a month and was contemplating on how to update my thoughts about the drama Six Flying Dragons. I was so behind in posting reviews that I could not decide where to start my review. But since there was a lot that happened already and the drama continues to unfold captivating twists, I think I might not be able to resume where I left off. To continue sharing my thoughts I will focus on the character that has been captivating my interest since episode 1. Thoughts on LEE BANG WON ... Lee Bang Won is a character that I like because of his passion, conviction, principles and determination. Historically, [which honestly I don't have much knowledge about] Bang Won may not be the ideal leader in comparison to Sambong Jeong Do Jeon who I think had been acknowledged as one of the greatest political strategist and adviser, still in the drama, how Bang Won was being depicted was someone I could really root for to be a better leader. Since episode 1, Bang ...