
Showing posts from November 30, 2014

Media Photos - Yoon Eun Hye @Incheon Airport 141204 + Weibo Update

Back from HongKong, Yoon Eun Hye was spotted by media arriving @Incheon airport after the event last night @MAMA2014. Weibo Update

141203 Lee Seung Chul & Yoon Eun Hye (이승철 & 윤은혜) - The Day @ 2014 MAMA Live from Hong Kong [1080p]


[mslee's thoughts] The Greatest Marriage Episode 12 Review

I am beginning to feel disappointed with the progress of the story. From day 1, it showed a lot of promise, and I sincerely liked how the story delved on the issues about single mothers but to bash the character until episode 12 is seriously dragging the drama. The repeated cycles of hardships that turned the drama into a "makjang" is not making a viewer in me appreciate the turn of events. I hoped that there will be a big turn around in the story at least in the middle but it is already episode 12 and 4 more are left to wrap up the story. I think that the chemistry between Park Si Yeon and Bae Soo Bin are so great that I hoped they were  put to so much use and make a grand union that will make the title "Greatest Marriage" stand out. But then, Jo Eun Cha has been portrayed as a selfish bas***d that until this episode he has not learned his lesson. Well, I guess the writer is just making him true by not altering him 180 degrees. Although I am liking him even if...