[mslee's thoughts] Park Bo Gum - The Cute, Innocent and Adorable Taek in Reply 1988

photos via Park Bo Gum's twitter official twitter account for Reply 1988 Otteoke? This young actor has been catching a lot of attention in the drama series Reply 1988 with his cute character as Taek, the Baduk genius of the neighborhood where he grew up with supportive hyungs and the loud character of Hyeri as Deuk Sun along with their families. At first I did not notice his silent character because he was portraying a much younger character besides the others. But as the drama develops, I noticed his cute side and after my heart broke because of early shipping between Sun Woo and Deuk Sun which failed, I wanted badly for Taek and Deuk Sun to end up even if my instinct already told me that the story would probably and most possibly go for Jung Hwan and Deuk Sun as the OTP. I just love the pairing of Hyeri and Park Bo Gum in every scenes they have in the drama. Hyeri's character although most of the times loud, when it comes to Taek, she is like a noo...