[mslee's thoughts] It's Okay This is Love - My 2nd Impression Sometimes Are Better

For the first 2 episodes , I felt lost while watching the drama. Maybe it was too chaotic for my taste. I could not find the entertainment it was supposed to show. Even the presence of Lee Kwang Soo could not make me laugh. I thought the drama was too silly for a start. Maybe it's the theme of the story about psychiatry. Then I could not also find the amazing chemistry between Jo In Sung and Gong Hyo Jin , which makes the drama fell short of my expectations. Since Gong Hyo Jin had had an incredible on screen chemistry with her previous colleagues, I put a lot of faith in this drama only to feel disappointed after watching back to back pilot episodes. I decided not to write my first impression of the drama. I left it at episode 2 for awhile, finishing and catching up on other dramas. But every week, I downloaded the episodes and just let it saved on my laptop. I am just waiting if my impression will alter once I re watch the drama. Tonight, I decided to watch episodes ...