Good Doctor Episode 11 and 12 - Kim Do Han and Cha Yoon Seo Sunbae/Hoobae Relationship Getting Better

Because I ship these two, I love capturing moments with them in Good Doctor. I know it may not come true, but who knows, maybe the writer will let me have my happy ending with DH and YS together.:)) While Yoon Seo is embarrassed every time Do Han teases her of her feelings to him long ago, I feel as if she still treasure that feelings inside her. She is just to preoccupied and she knows that he is in a relationship with Chae Kyung, although Do Han told her of their little misunderstanding. Not the whole story but just that he is keeping his distance from his fiancee. Glad that Kim Do Han and Cha Yoon Seo are becoming closer like they used to be as sunbae/hoobae. Love their conversations. Is Kim Do Han fallin in love with the beautiful Cha Yoon Seo? His temporary separation with Chae Kyung gives him more time to spend with Yoon Seo. He feels comfortable around her. Love the development so far of their relationship. Kim Do han and Cha Yoon Seo...fighting! omo! i ...