[Ep. 20] When a Man Loves Final Episode Screencaps + Short recap + mslee's Final Thoughts

Final episode [20] ...


Tae Sang agreed to marry Seung Jo. SJ excited.

MD went to TS office, talked with TS then SJ came in and TS announced to MD they are getting married. MD, a bit surprised or not, with her poker face [but there is conflicting emotions there] congratulated the couple.

MD dreamed of TS...in the bookstore, they were still together happily bantering at each other. Woke up, found it was only a dream. Went to their old home, to the bookstore, realized it's not real and stared with tears at the chalkboard, at the bookstore. [regret is written on her face]

TS and Tae Min went to mom's shop, mom cried seeing TM. A small family reunion followed.

Wedding pictorial for the couple. Yong Gap told SJ about what really happened to the missing person whom TS mom eloped with. He died accidentally when he fell on the stairs.

MD and JH talked and seemed like breaking up. [well, what they did was wrong so they surely won't be happy together.]

JH and his real father met.

Surprise...but SJ jilted TS on the day of their wedding. Yong Gap promised he will not harm TS if SJ will not marry TS. SJ runaway, crying, finally awakening from her obsession over TS.

MD went to the wedding and was the last to linger at the venue, seeing TS lonely and betrayed.

They looked at each other for a brief moment. MD talked with CH at the gate.

MD went to work for Kelly Jo. 2 years passed...

MD brother finally fulfilled his dreams.

MD father published a book and was successful.

MD visit the old bookstore, wrote something at the chalkboard, not knowing TS owns the store now.

At the ending scene, TS and MD talked.

My take..[coz I'm still waiting for subs] there may be a future for them both. They have a chance for a fresh start.

mslee writes her final thoughts...

I'll start with what I shared in my FB right after the drama ended.

"so what if TS and MD  start again? if one can forgive his mother who abandoned him and ran away with another man, guess he can also forgive MD for the betrayal, because the story of MD is also the story of TS mom. 
people make grave mistakes, but there's room for correcting those, because only in making mistakes some realized what is right all along.

the writer is a believer... of positivity despite all the negativity that influence people. :))"

Many might question how the writer ended the series, but as a viewer, I find it just. All characters in the story have flaws, no one is perfect, least Tae Sang. But because he was pitied much and a favorite, some see him as perfect.

I already said that Mi Do is a confused young woman who doesn't know what she likes, wants. She may be called many bad names by viewers, but she can't be said as a bad daughter. She had done what it takes for her family. She had admitted beforehand that she is a material girl, but seeing the story, I find her not. She felt at ease with Jae Hee which led her to believe that she likes him more than Tae Sang.

People often mistakes what they truly feel and only realized them after just like what MD did in the story. Viewers find her despicable and she should have known what she was doing in the first place because she is not that young anymore. But guess what, TS mother was a married woman with two children, still she made a mistake.

I like the part when TS asked her mother "why did she do it?" and she answered "she doesn't know". This is truly insightful for me. Because really, there's no answer to that question. If she knew, I guess she would not do it. She knew the consequences of her actions, still she proceeded. Because that decision was made out of impulsive actions, just like when JH and MD betrayed TS in his house.

MD just thought she did it because of love for JH but when she is already free from TS, the romance died, too.

Just as how TS mother answered TS when he asked "if she was happy?". MD, too find no happiness after she broke up with TS. Mother did too, and added she doesn't deserve to be happy.

The answer is already in the story. MD and TS mother did the same mistakes. And both were quick to realize them after. A mistake that can be repented and asked for forgiveness. Viewers find it hard to forgive MD, but, they can forgive Chang Hee for all his choices, bad ones at that and definitely planned. But then again, the writer made CH acknowledged his grave mistakes and made him pay for them.

What about the other characters in the story? The father of MD. Read that he is also being ridiculed just because he doesn't like TS. A father, all fathers are like that. Suspicious of those who likes their daughters. MD father is ignorant of TS good points. And I can't blame him. He was a witness to his past life. And I like the father-daughter relationship here. They understand one another. 

Why not be successful in his career? People who are prudent usually attains their goal, and MD father is. Just like MD brother whose dreams became a reality.

The writer wants a happy and positive ending for the story. And I commend her for doing that. It's like learning from past mistakes and making a better person out of those unwanted circumstances that comes in one's life.

MD and TS deserve a second chance at love, at happiness. And it's good that the writer chose to pass the time. To heal all wounds and pains, and to be a new person once again. Only by doing this, a fresh start can be possible.

When a Man Loves did justice for it's title. Love never fades. Love is forgiving. Love is hopeful. And love is not vengeful. Love is patient and kind. Love does not come to an end.

And Tae Sang is what a man is when he falls in love.



  1. It was a bit to much of a betrayal for me.The way she was portrayed it would be impossible to trust her again.
    Forgive yes renew the same relationship,no

  2. It was a bit to much of a betrayal for me.The way she was portrayed it would be impossible to trust her again.
    Forgive yes renew the same relationship,no

  3. thanks for leaving a comment. anyway, maybe most are not satisfied with the ending coz they curse the woman, but, you see, the same [of course different story] happened in SHARK, but HJW is already married and has an "affair" with her first love. affair means, they kissed, hugged a coule of times, husband knew, but you see, readers are very understanding of the situation although of course none would like marriage to be compromise. so I was a bit curious why almost the same fate but with different reaction.

    anyway, i'm a forgiving viewer..:))

  4. I wasn't to forgiving in that one either,but the protagonist was greatly wronged in that one unlike JH who only imagined it.
    Also the girl-friend was in love with him for all those years,I wish he had come to love her similar to the way MD decided she loved him after all, because of his qualities.
    It sucked that it never came to his attention she sacrificed something(marriage) she had been dreaming about for years for his benefit,to me that's real true love.
    All in all I wasn't that dissatisfied because I did start liking MD a bit after she instinctively put her life on the line to save him.
    I would have bought it a lot more if her regret had been a little less ambiguous though.
    That is how I see it.

  5. Its been a month since the drama show in local tv right now. Thank the sinopsis for ending story, glad that i will not see it again ^^ pyuuh...so confusing

  6. Hi, I enjoyed reading your "Re-cap". I was browsing throughout the net to find any summary but I couldn't find any so I just read yours and it seem fine. :)

    Well, the story was actually good but honestly, I despise the woman (Mi Do) for the betrayal. In a loyalist's perspective I think that the guy deserved so much better than her. I would have been happier if the main guy character ended up with the woman who's been obsessed with him. Why? At least he can assure himself that the woman only loves him and no one else but him. I think Mi do deserves more than just a slap on her face to realize what she's done to the guy.

    For a woman to say that she (Mi Do) loves the man, it sure is an insult to have her betray her own words lol. Well, I'm glad to have read your synopsis though or whatever this is called o.o because I don't plan to watch the drama again haha. Saves me from wasting my time :)

    Thanks XD

  7. this drama is very nice drama.i like so much.

  8. Thanks for your recap.. I found the end very confusing.. I thought that mi do's and jae hee love was real but it wasn't... The end was hard to digesty

    1. It was a long time s8nce this drama ended but still MD got a lot of hate. Lile what I said the story was showing that mistakes / cheating can happen and although it is hardnto forgive sometimes one just needs to. MD cheated just like his own mother cheated on his father. Both women did. Taesang finally forgive his mother. I guess seeing how it affected her.mother and how she reflected all those years made him realize that MD could also be in the same situation. He decided to give her another chance just like his mother.
      The story actually came full circle with both women committing sins and forgiven. That was the message of the story.

  9. Hi there! I recently watched this drama. Thanks for the recap and sharing your thoughts. I actually like this drama. After watching few episodes, I already had the feels that people are flawed. Going in with this thought helps me deal with what's to come. This is not a fluffy romance. People make mistakes and no one is perfect. It was hard to watch MD's betrayal and I don't condone her actions. She made a mistake just like TS's mother. I hated JH for being aggressive in pursuing her even after being told that she has a boyfriend and seeking vengeance on TS. MD is a confused young woman who felt like she didn't have a choice. A relationship that started off with debt looming over them is obviously not a good start. TS is so eager to love that he didn't think about what MD wanted or needed. MD may have felt suffocated in their relationship because TS was moving really fast. The ending with a fresh start is what they needed. After 2 years, she still felt the same about TS and missed him. She has grown and understand herself more. She is ready to love TS wholeheartedly without reservations or doubts not because she has to but because she wants to. I love the use of the bookstore and chalkboard which convey their feelings. This says a lot about MD's feelings, “You are someone I had read the most painful book with.” They shared a connection that she didn't understand until they got separated. Parting words from this drama: People make mistakes in life and live in regrets and forgiveness is needed.

  10. https://wwwsapphirepelagics.blogspot.com/2015/05/common-crane.html?sc=1732460944848#c447174412714019124 EruaznB6sK


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