[mslee's thoughts] Secret Episode 6 Screencaps + Review - More Hardships Faced Yoo Joong
From last episode, Se Yoon was left singing at the stage and confessing her feelings to Min Hyuk. He went away, finding Yoo Jung and confronting her about the real reasons he is mad at her.
"Don't appear in front of me again!" was MH request. Making it looked like he is done with her, forever. And about the same time DH found SY crying at the staircase. He offered her his handkerchief. This only signify how easy it is to talk with DH and just be herself, even in times of pain/humiliation.

When MH went back SY had a talk with him. Of course, he was clueless of her feelings which hurt her more and decide to do things on her own. I thought she was also done with him but the next day she surprised him with a contract stating demands/provisions on their business marriage. She even brought with her sets of rings to choose from, which made MH even annoyed a bit.

YJ continue her life with her father. For a time her whereabouts were unknown to MH and he became obsess again. He told KS to find her. With nowhere to go, YJ left the building MH told her to vacate and went to DH place to his mother's dismay and annoyance. They were not welcome there, but nothing she could do about it. This mom of DH is so cruel and I think that her meanness will backfire to her once the truth was revealed.

The scene where YJ was starting on a new job while talking with her friend and MH passing by with his subordinates, I thought he knew then it was her, was teasing her by stopping in front of her, asking KS to tie his shoes and he was trying to look/see her face she kept out of sight.

"Don't appear in front of me again!" was MH request. Making it looked like he is done with her, forever. And about the same time DH found SY crying at the staircase. He offered her his handkerchief. This only signify how easy it is to talk with DH and just be herself, even in times of pain/humiliation.

When MH went back SY had a talk with him. Of course, he was clueless of her feelings which hurt her more and decide to do things on her own. I thought she was also done with him but the next day she surprised him with a contract stating demands/provisions on their business marriage. She even brought with her sets of rings to choose from, which made MH even annoyed a bit.

YJ continue her life with her father. For a time her whereabouts were unknown to MH and he became obsess again. He told KS to find her. With nowhere to go, YJ left the building MH told her to vacate and went to DH place to his mother's dismay and annoyance. They were not welcome there, but nothing she could do about it. This mom of DH is so cruel and I think that her meanness will backfire to her once the truth was revealed.

The scene where YJ was starting on a new job while talking with her friend and MH passing by with his subordinates, I thought he knew then it was her, was teasing her by stopping in front of her, asking KS to tie his shoes and he was trying to look/see her face she kept out of sight.

But in the next frame, the elevator/stair scene, he was surprised to find her there. the bg is fur elise and gives the scene a light feel. The funny thing was when YJ started to ascend the stairs, MH was a bit startled and tried to be invincible by turning away from her line of vision. It's cute how he acted that way. Why did it seem that he was scared of being found out where in fact it should be YJ who must feel anxious/afraid to meet him!

Hardships continue to fall on YJ just as temptation are lining up in front of DH. The father is ill and needs a surgery. She exchanged the ring given to her by MH from before but she was accosted by the step mom and was about to be brought to prison when MH intervende and told that he gave it to her. He then dragged her out and told her to go but she begged him for his help. She promised she would do anything even goes back to prison just to see her father smiling and living. All the while she was begging, dropped on her knees, hugging his legs, DH and SY came. The humiliation was felt when she realized it was DH but both continue to be indifferent towards each other to MH amusement and mocks.

Up to that moment, DH could not reveal his relationship to her. Really a coward.

The interesting part was when YJ went to the ladies room, SY was there and asked who she was to MH. She even told her she is his fiancee. I detect a dash of jealousy here and SSY has the potential to be a typical girlfriend who will do anything to cling to MH,well, she is alreaday doing that. But I am hoping she won't turn bad.
The heartbreaking part of the episode was when YJ father got away from the hospital and they were searching for him. DH found him but on some twist pulled again by the writer the father told DH he knew all along what happened before and that he let YJ take the blame. His dementia had retained that truth and DH felt guilty, scared. I never thought DH character could go any worst from what he had already done but the writer pushed it far more. The father never made it to YJ. The next time he was found, he already passed away. It could only mean DH made a decision, a very calculating decision just to protect his position and career. Clearly, he abandoned the father somewhere else and left. I don't think he killed him. It was enough to just leave him during that rainy night in a far place.

DH appeared after the father was laid to rest. And then and there, YJ took the courage to break up with him A good decision. Now she can start all over again.

DH was just filled with guilt. No words of endearment but sorry for what happened to them. He tried to give her money but she did not accept. Left the ring with it and turned away.

DH has an ironic fate. dreaming of upholding the law but he himself distorted truth and even do despicable things.
Her grief is eating her and she was missing her dad so much. Days passed and MH became anxious to know where she was. he found her unconsciously lying on the floor at the shop he now owned. He took her to the hospital.

"Without my permission, absolutely don't die" strong words, begging or even commanding. I think from this point on, he feels differently. I think when he saw her at the funeral parlor somehow there was a little guilt there. She lost her father and MH could have felt or remembered how it was to loose someone and time could not bring back the past. So, maybe if only he did not pester her, she could have enjoyed moments with her father.
Slowly but surely, MH feelings are starting to turn around. He may not be aware of it, but he is definitely falling for this woman.
I hope when she opened her eyes, he would still be there.
For a strong woman as YJ, this battle is coming to an end. Hoping for some happiness from this moment on.
mslee1107 writing
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