[mslee's thoughts] Man From The Stars Review - Confession and Revelation : Will Love Be Do Min Joon's Fall?

Man From The Stars is getting more intense with Song Yi and Min Joon both can't hold their feelings anymore. Song Yi already told Min Joon how she feels but Min Joon still in conflict with his emotions. Soon he will leave or may die. His powers are getting weaker. His ability to know what will happen is not working. His senses are weakening. And the most scary thing is that Jae Kyung knew his abilities. He can surprise him yet again with his psychotic killing mood.
In episode 11, he just passed out for a brief moment but in episode 12 after he was injured from the car hitting him, he lost consciousness for a long while after barely making himself disappear from the accident scene. Bloody and unconscious, Song Yi found her and with lawyer Jang they look after him. He was very weak.

Song Yi's anxiety is not unknown to Min Joon. He knew what she feels. But because time is running out he told her not to appear in front of him again. Totally rejecting her. But in his dreams, he saw himself with Song Yi having a happy life.

My concern is that while Min Joon may acknowledge openly his feelings for Song Yi, his love for her make him weak as an alien. For someone who has been living on earth for 400 years, and with an ambitious and murderer on the loose, his safety is a real concern. After finding love for all this time, will death follows and in the end separate the two lovers?

At the end of episode 12, finally Min Joon revealed who he is to Song Yi. I know she is not stupid not to notice and realize that something is not quite right with him, still she did not mind. But seeing him and what he can do, realizing he has been around for 400 years, I wonder what will she do? Will she accept him for who he is or be afraid and put distance between them.

I feel sad that with only two months remaining, Do Min Joon only found love. Am not sure where the writer will take me with 8 episode to go. But really hoping Min Joon and Song Yi will be able to find ways to stay together alive and happy in the end.

I know there will be more trials, more thrilling scenes until Jae Kyung is found out. For now he is the biggest threat to Min Joon's life on earth. He has the power to think of surprising him and cornering him. And the deal Min Joon just had with him about owning to the crime regarding Yoo Ra is scary.
I hope the writer will be able to think of ways to make love not Min Joon's fall but his strength. Song Yi should not be his weakness but someone who will give him energy to stay alive.

mslee1107 random thoughts
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