CN Blue's Can't Stop Album - Loving All The Tracks
It is never too late to share and post in here CN BLue's latest mini album tracks from Can't Stop album. Lately, I have been playing non-stop the song Can't Stop on my mobile phone but then other songs from the same album are just as good. Jung Yong Hwa especially has received many praises for his talent in arranging and composing the songs and of course not to leave behind Lee Jong Hyun who also shared. These boys along with Kang Min Hyuk and Lee Jung Shin have great chemistry and they just shine whenever they perform and sing their songs. As for this latest mini album, this may be too late from mslee but still a long overdue Congratulations is still needed to extend to tell how I am enjoying the songs. Fabulous is only one of the adjectives I can think of to describe the album. Amazing for our handsome lead vocal/composer Jung Yong Hwa. Anyway, truthfully, I have not yet purchased the album but will find it soon in our local music bars but for the meantime I ...