[mslee's thoughts] GIF Glamorous Temptation Episode 4 Highlights

Sorry for late thoughts.

Anyway, this was an episode where secrets, betrayal and scheming continue for characters to survive. I have always felt that Sang Yi is a calculating young woman and I have wrote it in my previous post and in this episode, my instinct was vindicated. It was just disheartening to realize that she used friendship to cover her greed. I want to understand her as a young woman alone and suffering from multiple emotions concerning her mother's death, her father she does not even know and now found out and her growing feelings for Hyung Woo. All these are happening at once in her young life and the desire to get what she wants somehow overshadow everything that looks right and what shouldn't be done.

The death of Hyung Woo's father only made Eun Soo realize that everything changed and whatever plans Hyung Woo has won't be realized. His mother loathe her and her family. She blamed them for her husband's death even if the reality was that she was the one who actually initiated the troubles that brewed around them causing the elder to take action.

In the midst of finding out the truth behind all these mess, Hyung Woo found out or rather remembered the last message his father read at the office before his death. The same words spoken to him by the elder when he came to visit them. The promise not to be in politics that his father urgently asked of him was put aside for his mother's greed [?] or perhaps her desire to take revenge on her own time. 

She would use Sang Yi's feelings for Hyung Woo to proceed on the plan. She already introduced her to the elder, the party leader who is behind all the power that made her husband commit suicide. And Hyung Woo started to use Sang Yi when he told her to go to her father's house then kissed her. I want to believe that all this are Hyung Woo's own plans and not what he really feels for Sang Yi. 

He could not do anything when Eun Soo turned her back on him and finally went away together with her family. Their connection was broken. She and her family lived in another town but the guilt stayed with her father. It caused so much discomfort and sorrow to their family.

Yes, the original documents were in Sang Yi's possession. Ergo, she was the one who put them inside Eun Soo's bag. Even the sewing machine Eun Soo gave her to give back to Hyung Woo stayed with her. I think she really coveted that sewing machine knowing it was supposed to be a gift to Hyung Woo's future wife. 

Ah, my feelings are turning upside down with these schemes and greed from Sang Yi.


some more gif

Hyung Woo remembering his father...

How Eun Soo's father regretted everything that happened...

Hyung Woo taking Eun Soo's family's side because he knows the truth...

The elder...with another powerful man?

The key that was inserted in secret in Hyung Woo's pocket by his father...
It was for a documents being kept. Another original copies of the slush fund documents that was the root of all misunderstanding and greed on the part of the elder.

Eun Soo being bullied in the school after the congressman died.

Hyung Woo finding out that Eun Soo already left the house...

The time to introduce Sang Yi as the elder's daughter...

The start of another scheme...?

Eun Soo finding out that the missing pages were in her brother's playthings.

Taking responsibility for Hyung Woo's future...

A new life for Sang Yi...

Crossing paths again after all these years....


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