[mslee's thoughts] The Three Musketeers Episode 11 - The Twist That Ends in Tragedy

A lot happened in this episode. It was indeed an exciting one. But the ending was not what I would have imagined it would be. Really, this writer is the best! Jjang!

The most awaited moment for Prince and Princess is here! The highlights of the story. But...
before I talk about the romantic development of the Prince's and Princess's which put a smile in me, I would write a short recap.

The episode's twist ends in tragedy.

The governor finally learned who were his prisoners and one of them was the Prince. Apologetic, he could not begin to how to bow to the right person. The Prince told him to do something for him to retain his position as the governor and make all the mistakes, treason fall on Ja Jeom. The governor apologized to Gol Dae and let him go home.

In the meantime, The King was so proud of Park Dal Hyang and his works that he promoted him to be the 6th Royal Guards. Dal Hyang was so happy although felt embarrassed for claiming all the hard work which the Prince himself planned and let him do.

The best moment was when Hyang Sun thought that the Prince was going to make her the next Princess. She thought he signed the papers Ja Jeom dangled on him and kicked the Princess from the palace. All the while they were talking, she hugging the Prince who was pretending to be on her side, she was clueless of what was actually running on the Prince's mind. She awakened from her "dream" when she realized that she was brought inside a prison cell instead of inside the palace. She was so confused, mad and begging to see the Prince. But Dal Hyang was there to tell her that the Prince won't see her anymore. Her greed is more bigger than her actual love which turned to possessiveness or obsessiveness over the Prince. She coveted the most the Princess's place in the palace.

Well, she is Hyang Sun and she is smart at plotting and resourceful. She hung herself letting them think she was committing suicide. Just to escape. She was so furious and deranged that she has to exact revenge on Dal Hyang and the Prince.

The reunion of Dal Hynag and his father is one of the happy moments in this episode. The proud father could not believe the good and amazing fate his son has gotten. Dal Hyang was so happy to see his father. Even Pan Shwe was smiling looking at the pair. But it would not last because of the insane Hyang Sun who is on the loose. The wine that was delivered to Dal Hyang's father was poisoned and he was found dead. I felt Da Hynag's sorrow as he cradled his father. Their reunion was short and ended in tragedy because he provoked an insane woman.


The Romantic Part

The Prince was oblivious of what was happening yet. His mind was currently full of the Princess.

Okay so here is the best part of the romance that I have been waiting for to develop between the Prince and the Princess. I have been loving their scenes together from day 1 and how the Princess always reacted when the Prince was around. She becomes careless, always tripping on her clothes.

Anyway, after the Prince arrived at the palace the first stop he made was by the Princess's chambers but she was not in there. He learned that she was on her way to the temple. He could not stand still, he looked for her everywhere. When he finally faced her, all she could say to him was what happened when Dal Hyang brought in time the hair pin. Sje was gushing on Dal Hyang which made the Prince's face look strange. Well, he was feeling jealous, which he had not realized yet. He told her he made Dal Hynag do it and she answered she knew, still his reaction did not changed.

He was annoyed [?] that she knew yet she keeps on talking about Dal Hyang! LOL! He turned away bidding her a good and safe trip but the Princess finally realized that she must have done something wrong. She followed him. And that's when the first kiss happened. The Prince first told her that he is not sure why and don't ask him. He was talking strange. It was because his feelings that moment was overwhelming him. He finally noticed the beautiful and kind Princess he could not explain his feelings towards her. So he just kissed her suddenly! To her surprise. A long and sweet kiss relaying what he could not say.

What happened remained on their minds long after they separated. The Prince could not sleep while the Princess keeps tossing at the temple. The Prince went after her in the middle of the night. He had to see her.

The Prince is now sure what it is. He told her he wasted so much time. He kissed her again. Long, controlled passion but relaying his heart's content. Both were smiling afterwards. He could not wait for her to come back to the palace. He told her he would wait tomorrow. He kissed her for the last time before saying goodbye for the night.

But when he walked towards his horse, he noticed that his arrows were not where it should be. He tried to find them, confused why they went missing. Just then, an arrow flew by his face, going straight to it's target. He followed the arrow and where it landed. Just as I am suddenly scared, the Prince was shocked to see that the Princess was hit.

It was the most unexpected event in the episode. Hyang Sun's revenge is something expected. But I should have read that her calculations would be towards the people who mattered to Dal Hyang and the Prince.

Now I hope that the Princess will survive the wounds she obtained. It was sad that it would happen now when the Prince finally loves her and was looking forward to tomorrow. I can only surmise how this event will turn the Prince into an avenging man. Or will he be paralyzed by this event because he  would feel guilty because of what he did to Hyang Sun that resulted this tragedy.

Next week will be the final episode for season 1. I am positive that the writer will give the best ending ever. But please, not in a suspended ending which I felt during watching NINE. 

For the Prince and Princess...fighting!!!!

Dal Hyang...fighting!

As for the other two musketeers..Seung Po and Min Seo, hope to see more actions next episode. I noticed that Min Seo's role however is not as big in this season. Hope to see more of him.


screen caps of the Prince's and Princess's moments

for more of screen caps of the episode please visit my facebook page


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